Federal Aviation Administration Announces More Airport Infrastructure Grants

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on September 24th, announced $335 million in infrastructure grants for airports throughout the United States. The announcement comes just weeks after the FAA announced $1.2 billion in airport safety and infrastructure grants. The $1.2 billion was spread out over 434 grants to 405 airports.

“Airport infrastructure projects funded by this $335 million in federal funding will advance safety, improve travel, generate jobs and provide other economic benefits for local communities,” United States Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao said.

The $335 million in grants will be spread across 61 grants for 80 airports. FAA Administrator, Stephen M. Dickson, said of the grants, “These 61 AIP grants will allow airports around the country to begin and complete projects that are vital to the safe and efficient operation of our nation’s airports.”

The complete list of grants released by the FAA includes grants for large and small airports. Grants range in amount from thousands for smaller projects to millions of dollars for major infrastructure projects like the reconstruction of runways and taxiways.

The largest grant on the list went to Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport at $39,233,581. According to the FAA, the funds will be used for a taxiway extension project. Other recipients of large grants include McGrath Airport in Alaska, Memphis International Airport in Tennessee, and Jackson Hole Airport in Wyoming. McGrath Airport will use its $33,755,838 grant for a variety of projects including apron, taxiway, runway, runway lighting, and taxiway lighting reconstruction. Memphis International will use its $31,160,550 grant for a deicing pad while Jackson Hole Airport will use its $28,534,399 grant for runway reconstruction.

The smallest grant, on the other hand, was awarded to Aberdeen Regional Airport in Brown County, South Dakota. Aberdeen Regional received a $35,000 grant to acquire safety and/or security equipment.

Like the $1.2 billion in grants announced earlier in September 2020, the $335 million consists of all federal funding. The grants include $300 million from the Airport Improvement Program and $35 million in Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act grants.

Source: airlinegeeks.com

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