India is expected to sign an ‘air bubble’ pact with United Arab Emirates(UAE) soon to allow regular flight operations between select cities in the two countries, according to an aviation ministry official.
‘Air Bubbles or travel bridges’ is an arrangement that does away with that waiting period for a select group of travellers from certain countries where the coronavirus has been contained. In a travel bubble a set of countries agree to open their borders to each other, but keep borders to all others countries closed, so that people can move freely within the bubble, but cannot enter from the outside.
“We are in talks with some of the select countries including UAE to enter into an agreement to resume international flight operations in a limited way. Details such as how many flights are to be allowed and between which Indian and UAE cities initially are being discussed before finalising the agreement,” the aviation ministry official, who did not wish to be identified, told Arabian Business.
“Air bubbles between countries is going to be the arrangement as far as international connectivity is concerned till the virus situation is under control and countries open up,” Economic Times quoted India’s civil aviation minister Hardeep Singh Puri, as saying.
Arabian Business has contacted the official spokesperson of Indian civil aviation ministry for comments on the proposed air bubble pact with UAE.
India recently extended cancellation of international flight operations until July 31.