NIGERIA: FG Approves New International Airlines For Abuja And Lagos Airport

The Director- General of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority(NCAA), Musa Nuhu has said in a statement that the Federal Government has updated the list of approved international airlines allowed into the country. The approval which takes immediate effect from Friday, October 2, was predicated upon request by the airlines’ operators.

“Following the partial approval of international flights as approved by the Presidential Task Force (PTF) and subsequent request for additional flight frequencies by airlines, please find attached the approved updated flight schedule.”

The approved airline operators are enjoined to conduct their operations in compliance with COVID-19 health protocols as issued by aeronautical and public health authorities and must not take more than 200 passengers per trip.

The airlines approved for Abuja on Mondays include BA, ASKY. Turkish, Air Cote d’Ivoire,, Rwanda Air. Ethiopian, AWA. While Lagos can welcome Delta, Turkish Virgin Atlantic, Qatar, BA, Ethiopian, Kenya Airways. Rwanda Air. AWA X 2, ASKY, Air Cote d’Ivoire.

For Tuesdays, Lagos will receive British Airline. Ethiopian, Turkish, Egypt Air, ASKY, AWA. Lagos will receive BA, Delta, Egypt Alf. Ethiopian. Qatar, Turkish, Virgin Atlantic, MEA, Air Cote d’Ivoire, AWA X 2, ASKY.

On Wednesdays BA, Ethiopian, ASKY, Turkish, Air Cote d’Ivoire, AWA, Rwanda Air. Lagos will receive Delta, Ethiopian, Kenya Airways, MEA, Qatar, BA, Turkish, Virgin Atlantic, Rwanda Air, AWA X 2, ASKY. Air Cote d’Ivoire.

On Thursdays, Abuja airport will receive BA, Egypt Air, AWA, Ethiopian, Turkish, Air Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt Air. Lagos will receive BA, Delta, Egypt Air, Virgin Atlantic, Ethiopian, Qatar, Turkish, AWA X 2, ASKY, Air Cote d’Ivoire.

On Fridays, Abuja will receive BA, Ethiopian. ASKY, MEA. Rwanda Air, Turkish. AWA. While Lagos will receive Turkish, MEA, Rwanda Air, Qatar, BA. Virgin Atlantic. Ethiopian. ASKY, AWA X 2, Air Côte d’Ivoire.

On Saturdays, Abuja will receive BA, Egypt Air, Ethiopian, AWA, MEA Turkish, ASKY. While BA. Delta, Qatar, Ethiopian, MEA, Rwanda Air, Turkish, Virgin Atlantic, Egypt Air, Kenya Airways, AWA X 2, ASKY, Air Cote d’Ivoire.

On Sundays, Abuja airport will receive BA, Ethiopian, Rwanda Air. Turkish. Air Cote d’Ivoire. Egypt Air, ASKY, AWA. While Lagos will receive Delta, Virgin Atlantic. Turkish, Qatar, Rwanda Air, BA, Ethiopian, Egypt Air, AWA X 2, ASK, Air Cote d’Ivoire.


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